RJ Industrial® Multifeature
簡單且無需工具的 RJ45 現場組裝插頭
HARTING RJ Industrial Multifeature
On top of all ethernet network installers wishlist is the easy and fast assembly of network infrastructure. In traditional RJ 45 solutions for industrial networks, the time for confection is 50% for preparation of the cable and 50% for connecting. With our new RJ Industrial® Multifeature you'll get an absolutely robust and reliable connector with integrated cutting tools for fast and easy assembly. A time saving of about 25% in the assembly is possible.
這完全省去了這個耗時的步驟,整體組裝速度提高 25% 以上。不再需要使用電線切割機將單根電線縮短 8 倍,並且連接過程的質量也得到提高。電線總是在每個連接器的相同位置安全地縮短,這也確保了所有組件具有相同的HF 性能。從 AWG 26 到 22 的柔性和剛性電線可用性、堅固的電纜緊固件和具有可變電纜出口方向的角式連接器都是能夠為客戶提供巨大優勢的附加功能。