Terms of Use

TERMS OF USE (hereinafter referred to as "Terms of Use") of the HARTING France Online Shop (hereinafter referred to as "eShop") web portal for business customers (hereinafter referred to as "The Customer")

1. General clauses, Customers, confidentiality

1.1. The content of the online sales site is the property of HARTING France EURL, ZAC Paris Nord 2, 181, av. des Nations, 95934 Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle Cedex (hereinafter referred to as HARTING France) which is under the domain www.HARTING.fr. The content of this site may not be copied, downloaded or disclosed without the express permission of HARTING France. The use of the online site requires a computer connected to the Internet.

Hardware and connection costs can not be charged in any way to HARTING France.

1.2. The online services provided may at any time evolve, be modified or deleted. HARTING France reserves the right to interrupt the operation of the website online for technical reasons or maintenance. HARTING France strives to provide up-to-date and reliable information to users of the site. HARTING France can not be held liable for any addition, modification or deletion of features presented on the site.

1.3. The general terms of use of the eShop apply to Customers meeting the criteria defined below. These general terms of use are established in the framework of the law n ° 2004-575 of the 21/06/2004. When confirming an order on the eShop portal, when the Customer clicks on the buttons

  • "Accept the Terms of Use of the HARTING France Internet Portal"

  • "Accept the general terms of sale of HARTING France",

he/she commits to accept these terms of use without restrictions. All of these terms prevail over any term of purchase, except in particular terms of sale agreed between the parties. These terms and conditions of use apply only to professional Customers - the only customers authorised to purchase products from this eShop. "Customer" means a company duly registered in the Commercial Register. EShop orders can only be made if deliveries take place in metropolitan France.

1.4. Before using eShop, the Customer must apply for registration to HARTING France on the eShop portal. He/She commits to provide accurate information, including his/her corporate name, SIREN, contact details (address, phone number, email address, fax number) and intra-community trade VAT number. He also commits to inform HARTING France of the updating of this information in the event of a change. Once the registration request is validated, HARTING France will send access information (login and password) to the eShop Customer. This information is confidential and specific to the Customer. The registrant acting on behalf of the Client must be authorised to enter into orders on behalf of the Client. HARTING France commits to process the information entered by the Customer only for internal commercial purposes to HARTING. The Customer must immediately inform HARTING France of any anomaly, loss of password or misuse by a third party so that the password can be deleted. HARTING France can not be held responsible for any damage that may occur during the non-application of this paragraph. In accordance with the law N ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to Data processing, Files and Civil Liberties,, the users of the eShop Internet site have a right of access (article 34 and following), of suppression or modification of the personal data concerning them (article 36 and following). They can exercise this right by contacting HARTING France EURL, ZAC Paris Nord 2, 181, av. des Nations, 95934 Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle Cedex.

1.5. The retention period of the Customer data may be extended beyond the termination of the business relationship in accordance with the current legislation.

2. Products/goods and their availability, orders, order confirmations, prices

2.1. All products, articles and articles offered to Customers in the eShop are hereinafter referred to as "merchandise".

2.2. HARTING France does not guarantee the permanent or constant availability of the products on the eShop.
HARTING France reserves the right to withdraw merchandise from the eShop at any time and to introduce new products.

2.3 The Customer selects items and adds them to an order. He/She must specify the desired quantity. The Customer may view the selected items, delete items or change the quantity ordered at any time during the selection process, up to the "Place Order" step. Before confirming his/her order, the Customer will see a summary of it for verification and possible modification. At this stage, the order process is considered as complete: the Customer has made a firm offer to purchase goods. A confirmation message appears on the screen. This confirmation includes an order number.

2.4. HARTING France can not be held responsible for any malfunction of Internet connection that could disrupt the electronic transfer of data or the sending and receiving e-mails. In the event that the Customer could not view this confirmation, the Customer must inform HARTING France by e-mail ([email protected])or by telephone on +33 1 4938 3400. The confirmation message does not constitute a firm and final acceptance by HARTING France.

2.5. The order will be definitively accepted only when HARTING France has validated all the mandatory particulars of the order, and when an acknowledgment of receipt of order will have been transmitted to the Customer. If necessary, an employee of HARTING France may contact the Customer to confirm the details and the execution of the order.

2.6. Incomplete eShop orders will not be processed by HARTING France. In the event that the Customer does not receive an acknowledgment of receipt the second working day following the order entry in eShop, this means that the order has not been accepted by HARTING France and will not be executed. In this case, the Customer will have to contact HARTING France by e-mail ([email protected])or by telephone on +33 1 4938 3400.

2.7. Orders can be placed 24/24 hours 7/7 days. In general, orders are processed by HARTING France, the 1st working day following the placing of the order by the Customer.

2.8. Unless otherwise indicated, all prices are in Euros (EUR). Prices are net and excluding taxes. For metropolitan France, prices are established for goods delivered to the Customer when HARTING France organises the transport and packaging in the usual conditions.

2.9. HARTING France reserves the right to modify the prices without notice according to the conditions described in the general terms of sale of HARTING France.

2.10. Orders will only be executed if the Customer is up to date with his/her payments and if the use of the goods is not unsuitable for their purpose, the HARTING principles, or if such use could threaten the reputation of HARTING, its Customers or its suppliers.

2.11. The conclusion of contracts and their implementation by the parties are subject to the condition that they do not contravene any national or international law, including export control provisions.

2.12. The delivered goods remain the property of HARTING France until full payment of the invoice.

3. Payment and Delivery

3.1. Payment for the goods must be made according to the conditions agreed between the Customer and HARTING France, or according to the payment methods available on eShop.

3.2. EShop merchandise is shipped within 3 business days, subject to availability. The Supplier may not be responsible for any delay in delivery. In case of late delivery, no amount can be claimed as penalties for late payment, damages and interest or other reasons. In no event shall a delivery delay be considered as a cause of termination of the order by the Customer without the agreement of HARTING France.

3.3. Detailed information on the delivery status of the goods is available from HARTING France or by using the tracking facility on the eShop. The goods are delivered to the address provided in the order - for mainland France.

3.4. Goods travel at the risk of HARTING France, and the transfer of risk takes place on arrival at the destination agreed with the Customer. The risks related to the loading and unloading of the goods are the responsibility of the Customer. All claims for damage or loss (total or partial) of the goods must be formulated by Registered Mail to the carrier and the seller within 48 hours of delivery. In default, the Customer could be liable to the Supplier.

4. Miscellaneous

4.1 In the event of a dispute, the BOBIGNY Commercial Court will have sole jurisdiction, even in the event of a warranty claim or multiple holders.

4.2. These terms of service take effect on October 1, 2013, and apply to all orders placed after this date. HARTING France EURL with a capital of € 1,827,000 Siren 378 625 115 RCS BOBIGNY Registered office:

ZAC Paris Nord 2, 181 av. des Nations, 95934 Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle Cedex VAT identification number: FR22 378 625 115 Copyright 2007 HARTING France - All rights reserved.

Terms of use (only French)
Terms of use (only French)
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