Single Pair Ethernet explained easily

Get to know the Enabler for Industry 4.0 and IIoT in this free eBook and short videos.

Single Pair Ethernet explained easily

Your quick start guide

Get to know Single Pair Ethernet in our free eBook and short videos.

SPE ebook

From the smallest sensor to the cloud: Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) enables the barrier-free transmission of data via Ethernet over just one pair of cables with up to 1 GBit/s and with ranges of up to 1000 meters.

SPE offers the ideal infrastructure for IIOT and Industry 4.0 and is perfect for IIoT with its high availability as well as fast and secure transmission of large data volumes. SPE makes the field level smart. Devices, cables and connection technology become more powerful, smaller and more robust.

Free eBook & video access

Learn about Single Pair Ethernet (SPE):

  • Basic terms and the functionality of SPE.

  • Why SPE is perfect for IIOT and Industry 4.0.

  • The advantages SPE offers for industrial applications.

  • Which new industry standards will be important.

You get access to:

  • Your PDF quick start guide.

  • A series of short videos hosted by our Ethernet experts.


Get access to eBook and Videos now and additionally subscribe to HARTING News. After filling out the form you will be directed to a resource page with the download link and video gallery. You can always return to the resource page later.

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The HARTING Technology Group is a leading global provider of industrial connectivity. Around 6,200 employees are active across the globe in 44 sales companies, 15 production facilities and six development sites. HARTING connectivity solutions are used to transmit "data, signals and power" in numerous industrial sectors. Among others, in transportation, electromobility, renewable energy production, automation and mechanical engineering. In the 2022/23 business year the family owned and managed company generated sales of EUR 1,036 million.