18 April 2024
2 min

HARTING AEF HV: Electrification enables sustainable, efficient and resilient agriculture

In the All Electric Society, agriculture in particular faces the challenge of improving its carbon footprint. Precision farming is one of the key strategies for optimising sustainability and environmental compatibility.
HARTING AEF HV: Electrification enables sustainable, efficient and resilient agriculture

By electrifying processes, a noticeable increase in the efficiency of agricultural work can be achieved. Water, fertilisers and pesticides can be applied precisely where they are needed. More targeted soil cultivation and harvesting strategies protect the soil structure and minimise soil erosion. Healthy soils bind more carbon, which has a positive effect on the CO2 balance.

The AEF high-voltage interface developed by HARTING enables the electrification of tractors and agricultural machinery. The HARTING AEF HV was developed in coordination with the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) and in accordance with the international standard ISO 23316-2. The interface is suitable for use in harsh environments and offers a high degree of safety when connecting tools via plug & play thanks to finger-protecting contacts. The integrated break-away function ensures a safe connection in the event of a fault.

Precision farming for a sustainable, efficient and resilient agriculture

The HARTING AEF HV enables the electrification of tractors and machinery for agriculture

The HARTING AEF HV enables the electrification of tractors and machinery for agriculture

The AgXeed AgBot 5 equipped with the HARTING AEF HV

The AgXeed AgBot 5 equipped with the HARTING AEF HV

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Jürgen Bösch

Pozíció: Technical Application Manager

  • Osztály: PM Heavy Duty Connectors
  • Cég: HARTING Technology Group

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