How standardisation for data centres can reduce costs and speed up time-to-market



The global demand for digitalisation infrastructure is growing rapidly. Businesses and consumers have increased their reliance on remote computing, apps, and the Internet of Things (IoT) at a remarkable speed. As a result, society has become much more dependent on tasks that require data centres, which form the backbone of everyday operations in all industries. It’s therefore essential that IT infrastructure for data centres is readily available, and any system failures are repaired quickly.

In this Web-Seminar you will discover:

  • How standardisation based on the Open Compute Project (OCP) can help to reduce the total costs of ownership (TCO)

  • How reduced complexity speeds up time-to-market

  • How space efficient components leave more IT space for computer equipment

  • How connector selection can improve energy efficiency by up to 50%

Web-Seminar details

  • Language: English

  • Duration: 40 mins + 10 mins Q&A

  • Video available on-demand after your registration


Lisa Erber - ZVK

Lisa Erber

Pozíció: Product Manager

  • Cég: ZVK GmbH

Andras Meszaros

Pozíció: Global Industry Segment Manager - Power T&D, Data Centres

  • Osztály: Industry Segment Management Energy
  • Cég: HARTING Technology Group
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Cihan Aydin

Pozíció: Senior Design Engineer Power Electronics

  • Cég: Delta Energy Systems
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Benoit Ballon

Pozíció: Key Account Manager

  • Cég: ZVK GmbH
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Andreas Hippauf

Pozíció: Global Product Manager Han®

  • Osztály: PM Heavy Duty Connectors
  • Cég: HARTING Technology Group


Register now for our web-seminar and additionally subscribe to HARTING News. After filling out the form you will receive an email confirmation with your access information for the Web-Seminar.

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