August 15, 2024
2 min

Cast off: New trainees on board at HARTING

For many young people, starting their training is like jumping in at the deep end - everything changes, a new phase of life begins. This year, 26 career starters have decided to set sail at HARTING. In total, the Technology Group is currently supporting around 130 trainees and dual students starting their careers - in more than 25 professions. New this year: the practice-integrated ‘Software Engineering’ degree programme.
Cast off: New trainees on board at HARTING

‘You are actively shaping the future of the Technology Group. So: be curious, ask questions and, most importantly, enjoy doing all of this,’ said Head of Training Nico Gottlieb, welcoming the new trainees on their first day of training. This began with comprehensive onboarding for the career starters. The first thing they did was get to know the NAZHA (New HARTING Training Centre). The special thing about it: the holistic concept! At the NAZHA, all junior employees learn from and with each other under one roof. The Technology Group's trainers provide the trainees with everything they need for their professional development.

During the induction week, they are given a comprehensive insight into the world of HARTING. Information about training and studies, training courses and tours of the plants in Espelkamp and Rahden make it easier for the young talents to join the Technology Group. The first week traditionally ends on the farmer's golf course at Gasthaus Rose. The new trainees and dual students get to know each other better at the team-building event. The HARTING Technology Group welcomes all new trainees on board and wishes them an exciting and instructive new chapter in their lives!

For the following young people, it's cast off and off into professional life at HARTING:
Louis Tegeler (foundry mechanic), David Janzen (industrial mechanic), Noah Martens (plastics and rubber technologist), Lion Schäper and Elias Kröger (tool mechanics), Elias Penner (tool mechanic, starting his 2nd year of training), Fynn Görzen and Erik Schmidt (tool mechanics). Fynn Görzen and Erik Schmidt (cutting machine operator), Matthias Bauer (machine and plant operator), Bennet Moor (electronics technician for automation technology), Franz Frederik Fräger (electronics technician for industrial engineering), Josse Staas-Johann and Samuel Warkentin (mechatronics technician), Finn Luka Pätkau and Mia Enns (technical product designer), Kiara Küker (materials tester), Marvin Dittmann and Brandon Lee Gerber (IT specialist, specialising in system integration), Linus Spanner (IT specialist, specialising in system integration): System integration), Linus Spiekermann (warehouse logistics specialist), Kristina Gast (industrial clerk), Jolina Türkmen (office management clerk, starting in her 2nd year of training), Thi Than Than (office management clerk, starting in her 2nd year of training). Training year), Thi Thanh Nga Tran (practice-integrated degree programme in digital technologies), Jean-Luc Helms (dual degree programme in mechanical engineering), Florin Alexandru Vesa (practice-integrated degree programme in electrical engineering), Noah Seiker (dual degree programme in business informatics), Tim Pauer (practice-integrated degree programme in software engineering)