30 years of HARTING Czech Republic

HARTING Czech Republic is celebrating its anniversary this year. The technology group's subsidiary opened its doors for the first time 30 years ago.

The success story of the Prague-based HARTING subsidiary began in spring 1994. With it, the Technology Group strengthened its activities in Eastern Europe and extended the internationalisation that began in 1979 to this region. From 2003, other foreign companies in the region followed suit: HARTING Romania, Poland and Hungary all opened within a few years. ‘Eastern Europe quickly emerged as a promising market. Increasing our presence there was a logical step. Today - many years and plant expansions later - we know that it was the right one,’ says Philip Harting, CEO of the HARTING Technology Group.

Marek Sucharda, Managing Director of the Technology Group in the Czech Republic, adds: ‘Customer orientation is the be-all and end-all for us. We owe our growth to a committed team that gives its best every day and responds intensively to individual customer needs.’ Mr Sucharda has been at the helm of HARTING Czech Republic for 25 years and is therefore celebrating an anniversary together with the subsidiary. ‘You have been loyal to our company for a quarter of a century now. Our great growth in your region is not least due to your expertise and reliability,’ says Philip Harting, expressing his thanks.

HARTING Czech Republic initially employed four people in 1994, meanwhile the team in Prague consists of 14 employees.

The Czech HARTING team led by Managing Director Marek Sucharda.
Get in touch
Detlef Sieverdingbeck
General Manager Corporate Communication & Branding