日內瓦國際車展(6號展廳/ 6240展位/ 2019年3月7日至17日)將展示瑞士汽車夢想家Frank M. Rinderknecht的最新車型“microSNAP”——浩亭技術集團將借此再次現身。浩亭將利用這項活動展示其針對自動充電基礎設施所研發的元器件,以及浩亭對電動移動基礎設施的系統性擴展。
浩亭展示了此類自動充電解決方案所需的元器件:機器人輔助引導以最優方式將DC Combo 2連接器送入車輛的充電插座。充電完成之後,機器人將電纜連同連接器拔出,車輛在很短時間之內就可再次使用。高功率直流電源可以根據充電助手作出最佳調整。車隊運營方可從更短的充電時間中受益——當然收取貨物的客戶最終也同樣受益。
“microSNAP”也是漢諾威工業博覽會(2019年4月1日至5日)的一大亮點,觀眾可在浩亭展臺(11號館/ C15展廳)參觀這一車輛。
MID technology optimum solution
In addition to innovative charging infrastructure systems, the HARTING Technology Group offers further optimum solutions for the automotive sector with MID technology. HARTING 3D-MID technology can be used to integrate complex electronics solutions that require very little space into vehicles. MID technology is developed and produced by HARTING Mitronics, based in Switzerland. Such miniaturized system components can be used in interior lighting systems, proximity sensors or light sensors, for example. In this way, HARTING underscores its ambition to be an innovative driver of technological development.
The HARTING Technology Group, based in Espelkamp (Minden-Lübbecke district), is a visionary, pioneer and driver of this development. The owner-managed family business develops and produces electrical, electronic and optical connection, transmission and network technology and software. Services and products for all levels are created under one roof and in line with customer requirements – from innovative components to specific applications and services, through to integrated system solutions. HARTING operates 14 production sites and 44 sales companies around the world. With around 5000 employees, it achieved revenues of EUR 762 in 2017/18 (30 September), a good 13% more than in the previous year.