Produk & Solusi

Charging equipment for electromobility

In the rapidly growing market for charging infrastructure systems for electromobility, we are a sought after partner for highly efficient, customised charging solutions.

Products for hybrid and electric cars

HARTING Automotive develops and produces charging equipment for electric and plug-in-hybrid vehicles. Our products have the approvals and certificates relevant for all specific market sectors and legal requirements worldwide

About our products

Electromobility for the future – with HARTING as your partner

We have established ourselves as a connection technology specialist for the pioneering growth sector of electromobility. We are a first-tier supplier providing charging cables for the Volkswagen Group.

About our application fields

Public charging of electric cars

There are several factors that are crucial for the acceptance and success of electric vehicles: in addition to the number of charging stations and a comprehensive charging infrastructure in commercial and public spaces, a charging technology that is easy to use and which saves time and money during charging is also very important.

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Charging cable in the electric car

Looking forward, will drivers of plug-in hybrids and electric cars be more likely to charge at home or at charging stations? We are assuming a combination of both.

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Charging mobile work machines

Manufacturing and logistics processes which are smooth and very efficient: this is becoming increasingly important, especially in times of individualisation. When working with single-piece batches, manufacturing and logistics have to change and adapt to meet the requirements. Optimising the in-house flow of goods is one of many aspects involved here.

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Do you have a question or would you like to find out more about HARTING Automotive's charging equipment? I would be happy to help you!

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HARTING Automotive

We are manufacturing our quality products very successfully at three production sites in Germany and Romania – with growth at all three locations.

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